Welcome to HARK website!
Helping at Risk Kids, Inc. (HARK) serves vulnerable children and youth in Buncombe County who are currently in protective custody under the state’s social service system such as in the foster care system or youth aging out of foster care. We also serve children and youth in school who don’t have stable housing and qualify for the McKinney-Vento program. The needs of these children and youth are identified by caring social workers in Buncombe County, both in the schools and our local Health and Human Services. The social workers as well as volunteer Guardians ad Litem see the unmet needs and desires of these kids that HARK can help to fulfill. Our vision is that these vulnerable children and youth will have the support they need to succeed and to grow up in a safe, stable, and nurturing environment.
We are a non-profit (501(c)(3)) organization composed of a mostly-volunteer group of individuals.